Friday, October 19, 2012

Weight Med: Week One Menu

As promised I have created a cleaned up version (without all my scribbles) of the menu I used for week one of the weight med program.
I want for you all to be able to view and print for your own use if you so desire, so I am trying this program.  Lets hope it worked!

Click HERE for the menu download!

Weight Med: Friday Update

Happy Friday!  Today I am down one pound. That makes my total weight 217.8.  When I started on Sunday I was I was up a little yesterday and back down a bit today.

Where am I going wrong?  Well, I succumb to break room temptations of pumpkin bars and cheese. 
I hope to do better at not being tempted by those foods next week. 

There is one other thing slowing my progress:  I am not exercising enough.  I have been so tired and sluggish that I have not had the energy to do anything remotely close to exercise.
I will have to do something about this.

Yet to come:  menus for the first and second week. 



Thursday, October 18, 2012

Comfort Food Discomfort

It is that time of year when we start to feel chilly and snugglie, and what goes better with chilly and snugglie than good, warm, comfort food?  Nothing...that's what!

And here I am doing this weight med program and finding myself fixated on all the delicious treats that are all over the place.  Hot cocoa, cappuccino, pumpkin bars and delish crock pot stew, soups and chili! 

I am stuck!  I really want to lose weight, but I am also finding myself annoyed that I can't just live a "normal" life and eat those delicious foods without gaining three pounds back.  You see, Sunday was the start of the program and I was steadily going down about 2 lbs a day.  I had detoxed my body from all the caffeine and sugar and dairy that had been stored inside.  Then the break room happened....I am surrounded by yummy comfort food all over the place. 

Today I started thinking about Christmas cookies...if I can't eat them I ask myself, " the why bake them".  I know me, and if I bake them, I will eat most of them myself.  I think that I am coming to the conclusion that I am a compulsive eater.

I am also a working mom, as most of us are.  It is really difficult to make good, sugar free, whole food meals when you are short on time and just need to get dinner on the table.  I know this is an issue that seems to plague many of us working moms.  So I succumb to using bottled marinades and sauces, which are filled with sugar and any other sugar substance with various names.  I am finding how these are preventing my weight loss from happening. 

So today I am annoyed and discouraged and feel, frankly, pissed that I have to do this to lose weight, be healthy and like the way that I look. 

Oh yeah, and real kicker...the hubby eats just as bad as I do and ends up losing 2 lbs a day no matter what! 

Thanks for letting me gripe, and I promise to put those menus and shopping lists up for you before the end of the week.

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Weight Med- Update

I wanted to share with anyone reading the success that I have been having with the weight med program.   Not only is it weight loss, but it is also a system detox which has flushed my body of sugar and caffeine and all the Excedrin I eat like tic tacs.

I will soon share with you  the menu for the week and how I have been doing and what was tough, but for now I want to share that I am down 4 lbs.  Yesterday was a set back because I gave in to break room temptations, but altogether, down 4 lbs. 

I really only had a headache on the first and second days.  By the third day I was feeling better.

Today is day 4 and I am hoping for an even easier day today.

This program is really forcing me to take a look at when and more importantly WHY I eat.  I can find myself wanting something, even though I am not hungry.  So really looking into those feelings will help in the long run.

I have also found that I have had no pain in my pelvis...that's right NONE!  Pelvis pain for me is related to my PCOS and the oversized ovaries I sport...but I have not had any of the debilitating pain.  Before I started this program, my chin was full of really gross acne, and painful.  By the third day, my acne was disappearing.  This might be the secret to controlling my PCOS.  (I emphasize MY PCOS-since this might not work for everyone)!

I will post more soon!


Monday, October 15, 2012

Weight Med Program

Here is how I hope to lose 30 pounds:

Name of the game:  Weight Med Program
Duration: 60 days
Weight Loss Goal: 0.5 lb per day.  

I purchased Weight Med Homeopathic Solution from  Click here and see to what product I am referring.  I have the support of my chiropractor, who endorsed this product.  Disclaimer: It is important to get the support of a medical professional before starting any diet.

Here is the list of foods I will eat over the next 60 days:
Fruits: Apples, apricots (fresh), Bananas, Blackberries, Cherries, Cranberries, Grapefruit, Guava, Kiwis, Lemons, Limes, Oranges, Papayas, Peaches, Plums, Raspberries, Strawberries, & Tangerines   

Veggies: Asparagus, Bean Sprouts, Beet Greens, Broccoli, Cabbage, Cauliflower, Celery, Cucumber, Lettuce, Radishes, Spinach, Swiss Chard, Brussels Sprouts, Kale, Onion, Peas, Green Beans, & Tomatoes. 

Protien: Chicken (organic), Fish (cod, tilapia, walleye, halibut, flounder, shrimp, crab), Beef (organic grass fed), Turkey, Cottage Cheese, Eggs, Almonds, Walnuts, Pistachios. 

Beverages: Water (filtered), Coffee (black), Green Tea, Oolong Tea, Yerba Mate Tea, Chamomile Tea

Sweeteners: Stevia.

The nice things is, there is NO limit to the number of calories for intake so long as I eat only what is on this list. 

The plan:  1/2 dropper of solution (under tongue) 30 mins before Breakfast, lunch, and dinner. 
Aside from those three main meals, I will eat an afternoon snack, and a evening snack.  If need be, I will add a morning snack between breakfast and lunch. 

The Meal Plan:  Breakfast- Fruit and tea and water plus vitamins.
Lunch: Protein, Veggie, and Water or tea.  I also added a fruit to balance out my carb intake. 
Dinner: Protein, Veggie, Water
Afternoon snack: Nuts and Fruit and LOTS of water
Evening snack: Protein (Egg or nuts), Veggie and water or Chamomile Tea.  

You should drink half your body weight in ounces of water!  This will help tremendously. 
Exercise Plan: 15 mins of yoga (lite) in the morning, and 30 min walk daily.  I will add in more when and where I can. 

I will also take a multi vitamin, Omega 3, Vitamin D, and a B-12. 

Be watching, as I will share my menu plan and shopping list!


Sunday, October 14, 2012

Malfunction Junction...How do I fix what's not working?

As I have shared many times, I have PCOS.  Polycycstic Ovarian Syndrome.  If you don't know what it means or what it does to a woman's body, just ask me.  You can google it too.  I have spent a lot of time researching the ways that my body doesn't work like that of a "normal" functioning female.
You can also search how to treat PCOS.  A doctor will give you medications that combat or cover up the symptoms.  I have been given oral contraceptives, Metformin, and Levothyroxin (thyroid med).  The Metformin never worked for me and neither did the thyroid medication   I was still gaining weight and loosing my hair (on my head), while growing thicker and more masculine hair on the rest of my body.  
After having "M", the pill stopped working for me.  I experienced nothing but chronic pelvic pain every day of every week of every month I was on the pill.  Plus, I was afraid of getting cancer from the I took myself off of it.

Since the time I have taken myself off I have done very little to try to combat my PCOS.  It is recommended that women with PCOS maintain a healthy weight and BMI.  The irony, a lot of us with PCOS can't loose weight worth a darn.

I have a great friend who has introduced me to different holistic medications and supplements.  I completed a couple of liver cleanses and found that after each one I had less cravings, less stomach trouble and that combined with chiropractics and supplements, I was menstruating.

In May, I tried the HCG diet through the Chiropractor so that it was done with good guidelines and support. It did not work.  If you look back at this post, you will see that this diet was not the way to loosing weight for me.

So now I share with you that I am embarking on a new attempt to take off some weight so that I am comfortable with more vigorous exercise and increasing the health and wellness of my "girl" parts.

This new plan is called Weight Med.  It is done using a homeopathic solution three times a day and eating fruits, veggies, and lean meats/seafood for 60 days.  There are no calorie limits like that HCG diet.  I can use good oils, like Omegas, and eat nuts.  Just like the HCG, there can be no sugar, except the fruit and Stevia, and no starches like bread & pasta.  I will also have to cut out my dairy except fate free cottage cheese.  I don't expect this to be easy, but I am willing to try so that I can regain control over my health and wellness.

I would like to share with you my progress and my experience so that if you find yourself facing "last resort" times with your weight and wellness, you may find support in what I have to say.  Not to mention, if I am sharing with all of you, I am more accountable to the plan.

Please feel free to use the comment section for questions or words of support.  No need to comment about being careful with my body or making a harmful choice, as all risks have been considered and accounted for.

Thank you for taking this journey with me.

Friday, October 12, 2012

Confessions of a Shopaholic...

Welcome to a new subcategory of my captivating life.
I. am. a. shopaholic.
Be it clothes, shoes, kids stuff, organizational stuff, and yes even groceries (this leads to another new subcategory ..more on that later).

Seems I can get make it through a Friday a.k.a payday without over spending on any of the above listed items.   I think about it all day.  What can I buy? What do we need at home? What project do I want to do? What can I get to give to someone else?  Yes, in my brain, if I buy it as a gift for someone else or because I want to do something nice for someone, it is justifiable to spend money. The "H" and I do not have credit cards.  We discovered early into our marriage that we were not properly taught how to use credit, therefore we never used our credit the "right" way.  Which leads up to debt and financial demise.  Well, we are not destitute, but we are in the process of cleaning up our credit and changing our habits.

Before I get into that whole journey, I wanted to share with you a little about my shopping experience.  What you need to know about me is that I am frugal and hate to spend money on myself.  I like purses because they are one size fits all basically, which leads me to the last thing you need to know about me, I am plus size with short stubby legs.  Anything I buy I have to almost always have tailored to fit my legs. This means I always have to factor in the cost of that with the items I am purchasing.

Fast forward:  I like to shop consignment for me and for "M".  The "H" not so much because it is harder to shop second hand for men.

Today I went to my favorite place to shop for myself.  Clothes Mentor in Burnsville.  I always find great and amazing items to make great outfits.  Plus it doesn't break the bank.  It's not supposed to, anyway.  
If you have never been before, you should go.  It is awesome! Accessories to shoes, you will not be disappointed.  Plus, the staff there are super!  Helpful, kind, and willing to give you their opinion when you ask.  All in all, this is a totally classy joint.  I am never disappointed.

I have been to Clothes Mentor over a dozen times since I discovered it about a year ago.  I always notice that Plato's Closet right down the side walk from CM.  I have never gone in, until today.  Boy was the a letdown.  The place is so disorganized I could not where some things ended and others began.  It was super loud from the "clubbing" music they were playing.  I stood in line for 15 mins, while there was NO ONE ahead of me, before I got checked out.  The quality of the items was poor.  The place smelled like a locker room.  I found one scarf that I liked and decided to purchase, I am a shopaholic after all, but I am sure I wont be going back there.  Lastly, they had nothing plus size.

So if my vote counts for anything, I am stand behind Clothes Mentor all the way.  Spend the extra 2 bucks per item and go to a classier spot to shop for adult women's clothing.

And that is my confession for the day!

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Momma Madness

I have not been blogging as of late.  Not for a long time actually.
So many things have happened since I lost blogged.  I got a new job, which I love, summer has come and gone, and I became an LSW.  That is something that I have been working towards for some time now.

As a mom I struggle with alone time, as any mother does.  We all want it, but we all feel guilty for wanting it or taking it.  As a working mom, I feel even more guilty about wanting it and needing it.
I know that if I do not take it, I will not be the best version of me for my little guy and my big guy.  I struggle with finding the time to actually take that alone time.  Between a part time job and a full time job plus my mom/wife duties, I am left with little time.  And throughout the days and/or weeks between alone time periods I find that the condition of the space in which I use my alone time looks a little something like this:
Underneath it all is my neglected scrap booking stuff.
The minor cleaning jobs or mere attempts to eat dinner at the table, leave me with piles of items on top of my "alone time" space.  To actually engage in some relaxing activities for myself, I would have to engage in some serious cleaning and organization just to get to the bottom of the misc. pile on my desk.  

Is this "mess and disorganization" a symptom of a severe lack of space, you bet!  But we have to make that work as we are here for a while yet. 

This leads to a much bigger question:  How do working mom's handle the different directions they are being pulled in. I feel that I have certain duties and obligations to my family, but cannot live up to them since I am working not one, but two jobs.  Forget about even making time for friends, the few precious hours a week that I am not working or helping someone else out I end up just sitting with my little guy and enjoying him.  I suppose this is the dilemma that faces many of us working women. 

How do you find time for yourself or your friends?