Wednesday, May 16, 2012

It's GO time...

That's right, it's go time!  In my last post I talked about making changes to my lifestyle and the ruler for change and all that.  Well, I did a lot of thinking and praying and talking with the good ol' hubby about making these changes and he surprised me by saying that he would like to join in on making these changes. 
Yes folks, I did fall over in shock, as the changes that I am referring to have to do with our eating habits and making D.R.A.S.T.I.C changes to what and how we are eating.

In just a few short days, Hubby and I will begin the HCG diet.  We did not go out and buy the store HCG.  We are doing through the support of our wonderful chiropractor and are real HCG drops.  These drops will NOT make me pregnant nor will they make Hubby experience feminization (I think I just made this word up) of his body. 

Over the next 30 days, you will hear me say "I can do anything for 30 days, right?"  Please do me the kindness of responding, "Yes, you can.  You are strong enough and have the courage to make it through." I would really appreciate the support.  What we are starting is more of a life long commitment to eating and living healthier.  This is scary, but results will outweigh the struggle that we will most likely feel.

I hope to have the heart and time to blog daily through this process with how things are going and what results we are seeing.  My goal would be to help provide some support and guidance to anyone else who might be contemplating this diet and lifestyle change.  I will share how Hubby and I make this work for us and any tools that we use to make these changes.

{That's it universe.  I put this out there, now bring back good results}


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