Friday, April 27, 2012

Living on the edge...

Sometimes I wonder if anyone out there can tell how close to the edge I am.  No I am NOT suicidal.
I am just frayed, stressed, tired, scared, stressed, overstretched, under paid, oh yeah did I mention stressed.
Sometimes I feel like I want to go totally postal and just have a breakdown.  Any other moms out there feel the same way?? 

Now I know I have it easy compared to some moms out there.  My little man is healthy, naughty, but healthy.  He's a good eater, player, name it he does it.  For the most part he is cooperative and pleasant.  I know that I have a good husband who carries the same stresses and fears and pressures that I do and he understands when I need some time to deconsquish as we call it. 

I come to work every day and I put on this mask of positivity and cooperativeness (is that a word).  When really, all I want to be doing is working on little man's scrap book (which I haven't touched in months), clean out the cupboards, organize the tupperware, and clean out my closet.  I want to take little man to the zoo, take a nap with him curled up next to me (since I did not do that when he was a baby).  I know that I already visited this subject in a previous blog, therefore I will get back to my point, if I can remember it.

I come to work, sometimes I actually do a little bit of work while I am there.  Most of the time I just can't focus on anything because there is so much that needs to be done.  I hold on to the disappointment that I have absolutely NO future planning abilities at this job.  No health insurance, no pay raises, no promotions, no 401K or retirement, no Flex Spending.  BIG FAT NOTHING!  I have been told that I could work at McDonalds for more than this.  But really, I don't want to flip burgers or smell like french fries. 
I think that I hold on to the way that I feel about not having the ability to plan for my family's future, even expanding our family, because I work for a company that is not invested in being a career company.
Because of the above listed inequities our debt is getting worse and we cannot make it better.

My question to those out there who may have been here before me....what is the answer to making it better?

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