Monday, May 26, 2014

Ordinary Woman!

My title would suggest that my life is captivating, interesting and maybe even something that one could be influenced by.

I can say with all truthfulness, none of that is true.  I am an ordinary mom, wife, and woman.  But I am OK with being ordinary.  This means that I do not often have things to share on this blog, but I feel like I just haven't found the right things to blog about.

I am excited to say that even though I am ordinary, I find that there are ways in which I am learning to be a little more than ordinary.  This year I have been working on having peace and security.  At first I thought that having security within our financial situation, our home life, and with our friendships and with family would bring about a sense of peace.  I thought that having a "back up" plan would help be feel secure and at peace with where life takes us.  You want to know something....I was only kind of right.  I started to feel a sense of peace, but that feeling went away gradually and I was back to feeling insecure and unsettled.

What was missing?  Jesus.  I did not involve Jesus in my plans for peace and security. BIG mistake!  How foolish of me to plan for peace and security without considering His plan for us and His promises!

I started to attend church, no matter how much I did not think I would like it.  I started to take notes during Mass.  Yeah yeah, I know what you are thinking.  There is no written test to get into heaven.  And I also know that I can look up online and get the readings from mass for any given Sunday.  But there is something about putting pen to paper that activates my mind and makes tangible connections with what is being spoken about during Mass.  By taking notes I can also jot down my own thoughts or personal connections to what is being read and spoken about in church.  I find that by doing this I am actively listening for His whispers to guide me and show me what He wants me to know.

This has lead me to starting a Women's ministry at my church.  I am so excited for what this ministry will bring to the woman I worship with, but barely know. I follow a couple of other Catholic woman who are authors and is having a give-away of THIS prize pack.

I would love to win the Mark Hart prize pack so that I can add another tool to my tool box for my Women's Ministry.

More to come on the Ministry.